RFID Based Smart Shopping Cart
Shopping is easy, but standing in line at a cash register makes it a laborious chore. The combination of a large rush and a cashier preparing the bill with a barcode scanner takes too long, resulting in long lines. This ground-breaking concept comprises of an automatic billing system that can be integrated into a shopping cart. An RFID reader is used in this automated payment system, which is controlled by Arduino. As a result, anytime a shopper places a product in the trolley, the RFID module detects it and displays it on the LCD along with the product's price. As the consumer continues to add items to their cart, the module detects all of them, and the pricing adjusts appropriately. If a consumer changes his or her mind and does not want a product added to the cart, he or she can delete it and the money will be promptly subtracted. The shopper will push the button at the conclusion of the shopping experience, which will add all of the products, their prices, and the total amount to be paid. With the use of a master card, the shopkeeper may check the things purchased at the exit for verification. As a result, this methodology is suited for application in areas such as supermarkets, where it will aid in the reduction of personnel while also providing a better shopping experience for customers.