The presence of unwanted vibration is a major issue in various fields like aircraft structures, space structures, satellites, etc. where the minute divergence from the desired behavior may cause serious problems. Here is the vital need for a detailed study in active control of vibration using smart structures. Here actuator works with the principle of the inverse piezoelectric effect and the sensor works with the piezoelectric effect. Proportional integral derivative (PID) control is an effective way to implement the output feedback control for an active vibration damping system. The main motivation of this project is to develop a general design and analysis procedure by incorporating the control action into the FE programs. The control gains and optimum actuator voltage to suppress the vibration are determined by the simulations. The main objective of this project is to demonstrate the active vibration control of a cantilever beam by using piezoelectric elements as sensors and actuators with (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) based output feedback controller in ANSYS. Active control of PID -based forced vibrations of smart beams is investigated by strain and displacement feedback.