Investigation of flow over a cylinder and sphere for various Reynolds numbers
Flow over a sphere is very important in various engineering applications and energy systems, pollution diffusion, ship hydrodynamics, etc. because of its shape. The effect of the Reynolds number on the boundary layer on the spherical body can be classified into three categories. When the Reynolds number is below 2×105, it is called subcritical rangeWhen the Reynolds number reaches above 3.5×106 it is called the supercritical region,The Reynolds number range from 2×105 to 3.5×106 is called the critical rangeAs the general shape of a sphere seems to be laminar, our present interest is to investigate the flow over a sphere in turbulent boundary layer at Re ≈3×104 Numerical simulations of the flow around a sphere have been carried out using ANSYS CFD, in a procedure beginning with creating a geometrical model of the measuring section, generating a discretization mesh and defining all necessary pre-processing parameters, such as boundary condition, turbulent models, fluid properties and other physical parameters.