Design and analysis of chassis structures under loading
The chassis is considered to be one of the significant structures of an automobile. It is the frame which holds both the car body and the power train. Various mechanical parts like the engine and the drive train, the axle assemblies including the wheels, the suspension parts, the brakes, the steering components, etc., are bolted onto the chassis. The chassis provides the strength needed for supporting the different vehicular components as well as the payload and helps to keep the automobile rigid and stiff. Consequently, the chassis is also an important component of the overall safety system. Furthermore, it ensures low levels of noise, vibrations and harshness throughout the automobile. Chassis should be rigid enough to withstand the shock, twist, vibration and other stresses. Along the strength, an important consideration is chassis design is to have adequate bending and torsional stiffness for better handling characteristics. So, strength and stiffness are two important criteria for the design of chassis. The load carrying structure is the chassis, so the chassis has to be so designed that it has to withstand the loads that are coming over it. The objective of this work is to find out best material and most suitable cross-section for a chassis with the constraints of maximum shear stress, equivalent stress and deflection of the chassis under maximum load condition. The problem to be dealt with for this work is to Design and Analyze using suitable CAE software for ladder chassis.