Electrical equipments Automation based on motion sensor
PIR motion sensor is used in the construction of an automatic lighting and security system. We can absolutely reduce the amount of electricity used by using this sensor. One of Bangladesh's most prevalent challenges is power outages. We can alleviate this shortfall with the use of sensors by reducing electrical power waste and conserving our generated power. When anything crosses the rays of a PIR sensor, it emits a signal. It's a type of electrical sensor that detects infrared (IR) light emitted by objects in its range of vision. It's a low-cost gadget that detects changes in motion in its immediate surroundings across a wide range of distances. People, animals, and other things are detected using a PIR-based motion detector. It might also be beneficial in security systems. There are pavements in many workplaces where the lights are left on all night and day. However, if we utilise the sensor, it will only transmit a signal when it detects motion, and the lights will turn on. Microcontrollers may be used to control the entire process. The PIR sensor sends a strong signal to the microcontroller when it detects motion from any source. As a result, we can easily programme the microcontroller to put up an alert. As a result, this project is both low-cost and energy-efficient. It also cuts down on any office's power expenditures. Furthermore, it provides a chance to reduce load shedding in cities and villages.